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Register Expression of Interest

    • Ready to check your eligibility for teaching jobs in England?

      If you currently live in a non-UK country and would like to teach at a School in the UK, please submit the form below to express your interest in getting great support from our team!

      • Rapidly assess your eligibility for a teaching role in England.
      • Interviews are held each term in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, England, Ireland, and via Skype.
      • Full-time roles in Early Childhood, Primary, Secondary, Maths, Science and more.
      • Headteachers interviewing candidates soon. Limited spaces.
      • This is a FREE service for teachers by teachers to help you have a teaching experience of a lifetime.
    • Get started!

      By telling us simple details such as your teaching experience, the teaching area that is your speciality, we can determine what positions you are eligible for!

      What happens next?

      After you have filled out our Expression of Interest form we will get in touch with you within 24 hours. If your application is saying all the right things, we’ll start the process of matching you up with the teaching positions best suited to you!

      There are a variety of interview processes such as face-to-face or Skype interviews with your potential employer. All the while, we will be coaching you and supporting you throughout the process!

    • What is the Expression of Interest Form?

      Our Expression of Interest Form asks you to list details about yourself and your teaching experience. This information is very valuable, as it will enable you to rapidly see whether you are ready and able to start your overseas teaching journey with us at Point to Point Education.

    • What are the things we are looking for in potential teachers?

      We are looking at a variety of different aspects when seeing which candidates are best suited to one of the available positions in our serviced regions. We are looking at:

      When you completed your teaching degree: We want to know when you finished your teaching degree or even if you are still completing it!

      • Experience: Let us know how many years of teaching experience you have under your belt. Is it 1 year? 2? Even if you have only just graduated, just let us know.
      • Citizenship Status: Your citizenship status is a very important piece of information for us to assist you in the process of starting your teaching journey in one of our various overseas teaching locations.
      • Specialist Teaching Area: If you teach primary, tell us whether its early years, middle years or special needs. If you teach secondary, we want to know which subject you teach.
      • Your Details: A pretty standard section so we can know your name, email, phone number and which country you currently live in.
    • What happens next?

      After you have submitted our Expression of Interest Form, we’ll get in touch with you within 24 hours with an assessment of your application. If your application is saying all the right things, we start the process of matching you up with the teaching positions best suited to you! There are a variety of interview processes such as face-to-face or Skype interviews with your potential employer. All the while, we will be coaching you and supporting you throughout the process!

    • What support?

      When we say support you throughout the entire process, we mean it! We’ll assist you in getting your CV ready for your potential employer and walk you through the interview process. Whether that be a face-to-face or Skype interview, we can make sure that you are best prepared through our interview coaching.

    • How long will the process take?

      We make the process as streamlined and efficient as possible. We also only want to set you up in an environment that suits your personal needs and desires, so this process is very dependant on the individual applicant and available positions at the time. Our priority is to make sure you are supported and can find the perfect teaching role within a great school, so getting the process right the first time is vital.

    • I’ve been accepted to teach at my desired location what happens now?

      Now comes the fun part! We will assist you with visa support and relocation support, to make sure you’re happy with your new overseas home. We also help out with airport pick-ups and getting you settled into your town. On the professional side of things, Point to Point offers a teacher training programme, as well as one on one career coaching and advice. We also understand that moving to a new country or even continent can be tough, so along with our support staff, we organise social events so you can feel right at home with other teachers on a similar journey to your own.

    • Need some more information?
      Got some questions that need answering?

      No matter what stage of the process you’re in, we are available to talk. 
Start the conversation by calling us now.

      Call +44 2036 334326

    • The process from the beginning was warm and welcoming. I found all of the staff at Point To Point Education were invested in my needs and how I wished to be placed. I found them very friendly and genuine in their interest in doing what was best for me professionally.
